*This is the opinion of the author and he is ready for healthy discussions if someone has a different point of view but the author is in no way trying to piss off any particular group of the population.
‘Are men and women equal?’
This probably is one of the most discussed topics in the modern era. How would you answer this question? Yes? Or no, followed by a long explanation on how one of them is superior.
I am writing this article to give my opinion, so let me answer. I think both the answers are incorrect. If you are smiling now because you gave a different answer, GOOD JOB! But you are also wrong! Don’t be sad or angry, it’s just my view and don’t stop reading this. I am sure you are right in your own way and I respect that, unless of course, your view is demeaning to a certain percentage of the population or if you answered ‘I’m Batman’. Actually, scratch that. If you reply ‘I’m Batman’ to most questions, you have my respect.
Fun aside; I think the question itself is wrong. Just think about it, the two words represent totally different parts of a population. It is like inquiring if apples and oranges are equal, or mountains and rivers. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Does x equals y? No, they are totally different. Okay smart-a** algebra students, x can be equal to y if they have the same value. But what values do male and female correspond to? Can humans be reflected through some simple equation accounting for every variable that they are subjected to? I think not.
My point is, every individual is different. I am a different person- physically, mentally or spiritually to you or anyone else reading this, regardless of the gender. I am sure there are a lot more ‘-ally’ words that you could think of which have a varying degree of difference with everyone. So, how can two different parts of the population, with every unit (person) being so unique, be measured as equal or not? Think about it.
Are you still thinking about boys and girls as a whole? Damn you! Let me explain that too. Fill in the blanks with whatever you believe. (Nature, god, aliens, etc.) ……….. differentiated the gender in humans and other organisms too. I don’t think this happened just so we could enjoy sex. The genders are different on a molecular level - from the chromosomes to the hormones they produce, which has changed the human body physiologically as well as emotionally. Now, how do you judge the physiology and emotions that are not same for the two sexes and who determines which factor is superior or inferior? You rationally can’t compare the two. So, males and females can neither be equal nor be compared with each other to determine the superiority without being prejudiced.
You are still reading this. I thought most of you must have left already. Thank you for reading till the intermission because there is a twist in the tale.
So, what should the question be? I would prefer this. ‘Are humans equal?’
YES, they are. Mind you, the question is not ‘Are humans the same?’ As I have proven (or tried to prove) earlier, every individual is different. So, not all humans are the same. But they are equal. And who says so? The people and their elected personnel should. I mean to say morally and in the law, humans should be treated as equals. I am thankful to say that our country does legally say humans are equal.
Before you point out that its not the case or else there would not have been this discussion, ask yourself; do you believe humans are equal? Does everyone in your family? How about each member of your community and the citizens of your country?
The Nepalese constitution sees all its citizens as equals. You have the right to vote regardless of your gender. You can work in any post of the government or other organizations, whether you are a male or a female. We have had two presidents in Nepal and guess what; both men and women have 50% of the chance to be the president(This statistic may or may not be relevant in the future.). Yes, there are problems in the system and they are slowly being addressed (too slow and I agree) and for these, people should be more vocal.
It is called human rights after all and I am sure everyone was proud to read it aloud in their social studies book. Oh please! I know there are animal rights too but I am not writing a book, am I? So let’s not get into that right now. Now there are these terms “women’s rights” and “men’s right”. It might be viable point but just think about the opposite gender and try to feel their sadness. They can never comprehend the other gender’s rights because they can never exercise it. This cannot be equality.
At least, everyone can be proud about children’s rights. Life as a child is the best. No serious worries about social issues or the need for acceptance of your views by your peers.
In summary, my view is this. Males and females are different and that is nothing to be offended about because so is every single individual. The characteristics that separate males and females have a certain elegance. The inability to do something is not the flaw of the whole gender group but rather, the flaw or fine point of the individual. Not trying to imply anything girls, but, I am a great cook. But as a human being, everyone is equal and you can share this with anyone who says otherwise. This article will mess with their heads because I know it has for you. But on a serious note, don't fight against the opposite gender. Instead, work with each other to change the views of those who don't understand the concept. Thank you!
This piece was edited by Mr. Bibek Sikarmi.